A little background ...
In 2002 I set up my own Company called Perfect Petals specialising in making bridal bouquets, cake decorations and many other bespoke floral arrangements in cold porcelain and sugar. I have run workshops and demonstrations in the UK, Scandinavia, Europe, Brazil, India and exhibited in Toronto, Canada, New York and Washington DC. I am entirely self taught, bar a two day 'Introduction to Sugarcraft' course where I found that I couldn't ice a cake to save my life - but there was potential with the flowers! My style is to create floral arrangements which are as natural as possible to make a stunning first impression.
I very much enjoy the interaction in demonstrations and workshops, so concentrate on the teaching side of my business, both at home and abroad. In order to share more widely my skills I have written 4 step by step instruction books, Autumn Glory, Down The Garden Path, Blooming Lovely! and Wild in the Garden. Details of which are available on the Books page of this website.
Under the various section headings on this site you will find:
Workshops - Information about upcoming workshops, demonstrations and events throughout the Uk and abroad. The two bases I run my own classes from are at The Yews, Moray, Scotland and in Langworth, Lincolnshire. If you would like to organise a workshop tailored to suit yourself or a group of fellow enthusiasts either at The Yews or in your own area, please contact me directly by email or telephone to discuss your needs. When viewing Workshops just click on each workshop and the details will be revealed. If full details are not uploaded, please call for information. I like to try and bring into the workshop flowers and foliage that are in season to enable students to identify with form and structure. Please note that photos displayed against the workshops are for example purposes only.
Past Workshops - here you will be able to see classes that have been run over the last 12 months.
Bookings can now be made by credit or debit card as well as by cheque and online bank transfer so please call or email directly to check availability and secure your place.
Book Shop - books by Alyson Reynolds
Order online via the website or directly from me by calling 01343 870276 - Credit & Debit Cards now accepted.
Newsletter - Sign up to receive information on what's coming up
Gallery - An opportunity to view cold porcelain and sugar arrangements to inspire you in your hobby. All the flowers in the photos under the workshop section have been taught by me in classes. There is also a section on workshops where the results of students' work can be seen, however I have to be honest and say that with so much going on this page is not regularly updated but many photos are shared on the FB page - Alyson Reynolds - Cold Porcelain Flowers - so please check it out!
Contact - For any questions you may have, please don't hesitate to get in touch via the contact page which gives full details of where we can be found.
I hope you find the information helpful. Remember that above all, the most important aspect of any craft is to enjoy it and value the creativity that you have inside.